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Island of the Hungry Ghosts

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2018, 90 minutes

Official Website

A multi award winning hybrid documentary film and winner of the Tribeca ‘best documentary’. A collaboration with narrative therapy practitioner Poh Lin Lee that spans several years.

On an isolated island in the Indian Ocean, land crabs migrate in their millions from the jungle to the sea. The same jungle hides a high-security detention centre where thousands of people have been locked away indefinitely. Their only connection to the outside world is trauma counsellor Poh Lin Lee. ISLAND OF THE HUNGRY GHOSTS is a hybrid documentary that moves between the natural migration and the chaotic and tragic migration of the humans, which is in constant metamorphoses by the unseen decision-making structures.

Chromosom Film Germany, Third Films UK, Echotango Australia, Various Films Germany, British Film Institute, WDR  &  Gabrielle Brady

Best Documentary Feature –  Tribeca 2018
Buyens-Chagoll Award – Visions du Réel 2018
Best Documentary film – Valletta Film Festival
Special Mention – Edinburgh IFF
Best Documentary – Crested Butte FF 2018
Flinders University Feature Documentary Award-  Adelaide FF 2018
Prix SMART – Festival des Libertés 2018
Grand Jury Prize for the International Competition – Mumbai FF 2018
Amsterdam Human Rights Award –  IDFA 2018
Best Documentary –  SAE ATOM Awards 2018
Best Documentary –  Darwin International Film Festival 2018
Mercurius Rize – Human Rights Film Festival Zürich 2018
Prix spécial du Jury –  FIFO Tahiti 2019
Special Mention from the Movies That Matter Jury –  ZagrebDox 2019
Best Director – Documentary –  Ozflix Independent Film Awards 2019
Best Cinematography –  Ozflix Independent Film Awards 2019
Best Editing –  Ozflix Independent Film Awards 2019
Best Sound Design –  Ozflix Independent Film Awards 2019
Best Documentary – Ozflix Independent Film Awards 2019
Panorama Price –  Festival FReDD 2019
Best Documentary –  Sole Luna Doc Film Festival 2019
Audience Prize –  Sole Luna Doc Film Festival 2019
Best Film –   Down Under Berlin FF 2019
Human Rights Award –  Move it! Dresden

Independent Spirit Award – Best Documentary Feature 2020
Preis der Deutschen Filmkritik – Bester Dokumentarfilm 2020
Deutscher Dokumentarfilmpreis 2019
British Independent Film Awards – Best Music 2019
Ozflix Independent Film Awards – Best Original Soundtrack 2019
Australian Film Awards – Best Cinematography 2019
Australian Film Awards – Best Sound Design 2019

Stories That Matter
Human, Norway
Cine Doc Tbilsi, Georgia
Goteborg, Sweden
Unseen, Naorobi
Doc Point, Finland
Zagrebdox, Croatia
Fifo, Tahiti
Doc and Talk, Denmark
Ridm Film Festival
Camden International Film Festival, UK
Adelaide Film Festival, Australia
Darwin International Film Festival, Australia
Melbourne International Film Festival, Australia (Australian Premiere)
Doc Aviv Film Festival, Israel
Make Dox International Film Festival
Planet in Focus
Valladolid International Film Festival
This Human World, Austria
Athens International Film Festival, Greece
Antenna Inetrnational Film Festival, Australia
Stronger Than Ficton, Australia
Dok Leipzig, Germany
Reykjavik Iff
Lo Schermo Dell Arte, Florence
Lemesos International Film Festival, Cyprus
Take One Action Film Festival, Scotland
Cama Film Festival, Singapore
Duhok International Film Festival, Kurdistan
Calgury International Film Festival
Fifig Festival, France
Docyard Screening, Cambridge Boston
Inconvenient Film Festival Lithuania
New Zealand International Film Festival
Biaff, Georgia
Free Zone Festival, Belgrade
Festival on Wheels, Ankara
Exground Film Festival, Germany
Gzdoc, China
Kassler Dok Fest, Germany
Dhaka International Film Festival, Bangladesh
Loft Film Festival, USA
Tallin Black Nights Film Festival, Estonia
Topkino, Austria
Idfa, Netherlands
Edinburgh Film Festival (UK Premiere)
Visions du Reel, Switzerland (European Premiere)
Tribeca Film Festival, United States (World Premiere)
